A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization. Federal Tax ID: 88-2703828
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Willing to Construct Gita Sthoopa ?

Are you willing to construct gita sthoopa at your place, then this is the right place to get all the details on how to construct one. At any point if you have any questions or needs clarifications please reach out to Gattu Venugopalacharyulu at +1 9185199368.

Below details or references help anyone to construct gita sthoopa:

Min. Place Needed : 300 Sq Yards
Cost : TBD
Vigraha : Will provide all the references or contact to build Gita Krishna Vigraha
Sthoopa Plan : TBD
Sloka Plate Engraving : TBD
Sthoopa Maintenance Plan : TBD

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