A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization. Federal Tax ID: 88-2703828
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Welcome to Srimannarayana Raksha!

Another program called "Srimannarayana Raksha" where you can enter your name and gothram whenever you feel that everyone pray on behalf of you for any special occasions/ problems. All the names/gothrams that people entered within 24 hours are published in Narayanastram Telegram group at 7AM (India time) everyday, so that all the group members would read those names/gothrams, chant their Narayanastrams and pray for those in the list. Likewise you should also be able to pray for all others so you should also get Narayanastram and should be in Narayanastram Telegram group.

Click on the link to enter your name/gothram.

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